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Adult Bible Study

Adult Bible Study meets at 9:30 am each Sunday morning in the middle classroom, prior to worship service. All are welcome to join.


The group recently finished an 8 month study of Revelation. Every effort was made to see it through the eyes of a first century Jew. Now when looking at any part of it we will have a better understanding of what John wanted his readers to know.

We are now experimenting on each member having the opportunity to lead a discussion of their own choice from the bible. It can be 10 minutes or 4 weeks. Pastor Tom has made himself available to help in whatever way requested.

Any questions would be welcomed by all of the current participants who are; Bonnie LaBlanc, Vesper, Sue Bender, Mike Manning, Sherry Cole, Steve Harlow or Jerry Cross.


You are invited to join us any Sunday, fellowship from 9:15 and bible study starting at 9:30.




Additionally there is a Adult Bible Study with Pastor Tom every other Tuesday held on Zoom from 7 pm to 8:30 pm. (With a break over the summer) All are welcome. To see the schedule visit the church calendar. To get the zoom link contact the church or Pastor Tom directly. 


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